Arbitration Ireland are delighted to inform members about a series of topical and interesting webinars scheduled for Autumn 2020. These webinars aim to bring viewers “behind the scenes” into the lives of some of the most experienced arbitrators both at home and internationally. Focusing not only on their views on topical issues but also on the success they have achieved and the path they took to get there. All webinars are free of charge and 1 CPD is applicable for attendance.

Thursday, 22nd October 2020, 4.30pm
A Conversation with Ireland’s ICC Court Members, Colm Ó hOisín SC & Louise Reilly
BL. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Institutional and Ad Hoc Arbitration”

Ian Talbot, Secretary General of International Chamber of Commerce Ireland and CEO of Chambers Ireland will moderate. To book click here.

The last two webinars in this four webinar part series will be announced Spring 2021.

Thursday, 15th October 2020, 5.00pm

Arbitration Ireland are delighted to collaborate with International Law Firm, Mayer Brown to present this webinar. In this webinar, speakers from both jurisdictions will compare Ireland and the United States as arbitral seats and discuss trends developing in dispute resolution between these two leading tech economies. Speakers include The Hon. Mr Justice David Barniville, Michael Collins SC , Jim Weixel Demler, Armstrong & Rowland & Sarah Reynolds, Mayer Brown to name a few. Timings are as follows: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT and 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Irish time. For further details and to book click here.

Friday, 30th October 2020

Dublin will participate as a host for the FDI Pre-Moot virtually. Further details to follow.

Friday, 20th November 2020

Lastly, we have a really exciting event planned for Arbitration Ireland’s 8th Dublin International Arbitration Day Conference (DIAD 2020). To give you an overview of what is in store, the conference will take shape as a hybrid event with both physical attendees and virtual participants and is being organised in conjunction with ICSID (the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes based in Washington DC). This 3-hour hybrid event will commence on the afternoon of Friday, 20th November 2020 and will live stream panels of speakers and audiences in four different locations, namely Dublin, New York, Washington DC and London. As always, we will have an outstanding line up of expert speakers on matters of topical interest with an emphasis on audience engagement. The final programme is currently being worked upon and will be announced shortly.

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