The response of our workforce to the new normal has been incredible. Within Cpl, our people have displayed resilience and flexibility in adapting to their new reality. From parents who are balancing childcare and working from home to others who have equally busy households, the adjustment has been admirable. This sort of adaptability doesn’t simply happen, however. There are many practical steps you can take to ensure you maintain productive.

Here, are some of our learnings for managing a remote team and maintaining company culture while we are apart.

How to successfully manage a remote team:

Managing a team remotely and ensuring everyone stays on target is one thing. Maintaining company culture to keep everyone engaged and with a sense of purpose is another. Here are some of the ways in which you can boost morale amongst your remote team.

How to maintain company culture while working remotely:

Adopting some of these tools can help you and your teams stay more connected while we continue to navigate our new working reality.

Cpl is a global provider of talent solutions who partner with organisations in every sector, from indigenous start-ups to global multinationals.

If your business needs support in terms of hiring or anything else, please get in touch with

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