Meet Muriel Cuddy CEO of Health and Fitness Ireland. In an interview IIBN asked Muriel to give a brief description of her company. Muriel revealed that HFI are the leading health and wellness company in the private and public corporate market in Ireland. HFI deliver bespoke programs that are the solution to all your companies health and wellness needs. Our programs include Health Awareness, Health Assessment and Health Action.

If you are interested to get in touch with Muriel or see more information you can visit her website

How did you get the idea/ concept for your business?

I was always involved at some level educating/ training teams and individuals. Once an individual is educated on a certain topic, they are empowered. I wanted to educate more people in all areas of mental and physical health.

Give a brief account of your education background.

I started in business working in the family company. I worked in all sectors from financial to marketing. I went on to get a BSc in Strength & Conditioning and a BSc in Nutrition & Health.

Did you always know/ever think you would become an entrepreneur when you were younger?

Yes. It was always in my DNA to think outside the box. I always loved thinking up of new ideas that might work/ sell.

Is entrepreneurship a common trait in your family?

Yes. My dad was always self-employed with a workforce of 300plus. My brothers are both self-employed.

Did you have prior knowledge of the industry before setting up your company?

Yes, I was working in the industry for over 15 years.

What was your previous work experience (if any)? Do you think this gave you an advantage when setting up your business?

My previous work experience in business gave me a great knowledge on the importance of cash flow, business plans, projections etc. My coaching/ training and education lectures plus 1 -1s showed me how important education is and how it will empower your world.

How did you initially fund your business? (self-funded, government funding, etc)

My business was initially Self-funded.

Looking back, would you have changed the method of funding you chose?

No, self-funding although difficult was a good choice for me.

Did you encounter any financial difficulties in the first year of operation? If yes, what did you do to surpass them?

My first year was difficult as I was self-funded and did not take a wage for myself.

What characteristics do you feel benefited you most when starting your business?

Focused, Self-motivated, Optimistic, Responsible, Competitive.

To what do you attribute your company’s success/growth to?

The attention to detail. The highly skilled staff employed and the ability to change.

What is your opinion on the importance of a professional network for an entrepreneur?

It is number 1. If you don’t generate sales, you have no business.

Do you think entrepreneurship has changed in recent years?

Yes. I think people realise that they don’t have to do it all themselves. Employ great people and allow them to build with you.

Would you ever consider starting another company or involving yourself in new start-ups again?

Yes definitely. I love all sides of business and I am constantly thinking of new ideas and concepts.

If you had one piece of advice for a new entrepreneur, what would it be?

Check out the market, the competition, do your research and when your happy that you are in a good space, be prepared to work hard. Above all enjoy the journey.

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