Business Value Group Intl (BVG) is based in Silicon Valley California. Pat Hehir is founder and CEO. Pat reveals to IIBN that BVG is a business performance and value creation management consulting company. Our Purpose: To help you achieve yours. The layman terms are:  We are boutique turnaround and restructuring guys. We usually work with the CEO and Exec teams when a business is underperforming and needs a shakeup. We have a variety of functions that we bring in except for capital expertise. (We are MBA’s but don’t bring in capital).  We are sometimes brought in by Private Equity and Venture Capital firms to work with the CEO.

You can visit Business Value Group Intl here 

What are your main priorities and goals in your role? (assuming you mean in our role as we work)

What are your biggest challenges?

How has your business strategy been adapted in the context of the Covid-19 crisis?

What are the challenges facing your industry going forward?

What new trends are emerging in your industry?

Are there any major changes you would like to see in your sector?

Are you finding any skills gaps in the market?

How will Brexit affect you, or have you started to feel the effects already?

How do you define success and what drives you to succeed?

What’s the best advice you’ve been given, or would give, in business?

What have been your highlights in business over the past year?

What’s next for your company?

What opportunities or plans for growth do you see in 2020/21?

Where do you want your business/brand to be this time next year?

We want to build more around our purpose and become better known for it.

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